Last night’s adventures took me down to the land of the Russians: Brighton Beach and Coney Island. We spent the evening strolling up and down the boardwalk as evening fell, stopping for giant beers, pickled cabbage, and Nathan’s hotdogs. It felt otherworldly down there, and a big part of me really could not believe that I was even still in Brooklyn. What a crazy wonderful place, and how have I never been there before?
Getting caught up in the ambiance, I let too much time pass and had to beg the gatekeepers in the park to let me in for one quick shot, before the park closed. Nothing like two ghostly creepy twins in blue dresses haunting a run down carnival. In fact, I think it would be really fun to do more of these types of shots in different carnivals, as two headed ladies, Siamese twins and such. Ghost carnies.
As we were shuffling out, we stopped to watch this ride where they slingshot a chair on bungees way in to the air. In the image it just comes out as a streak of sparkles like a firework. It was an odd scene with people giving me very strange looks as I waved my flashlight around like a crazy person. Good thing they moved fast enough not to register on the image. Without much time to work out a concept and shoot multiple images, I opted to let just the light stand in for myself: thus the ribbon of light.