The Horror







The Horror

Over the past few months, I have been returning to the Ex-Hacienda Jaral de Berio (about which you can read more here), one of my absolute  favorite places to photograph.  Although, I have an ongoing series that generally fits together, this week I veered off from my usual work.  I think in the past I have always, in so many ways, been portraying the spirit that haunts that place.  After shooting all morning, suddenly in the afternoon, I had the urge to be the one that the ghosts were haunting.  I found myself running around, pretending I was in some sort of horror film.  I was hiding, running, trying to survive, and ultimately succumbing to a very Vertigo, moment, when it all gets to me and I commit suicide.  So this week, I have decided not to just show one image for my photo of the week, but a whole little series.  I would love to know which is your favorite, as only one can truly be my ‘photo of the week.’  Please leave me a message in the comments.